Solutions for Now vs for the Future in the Housing Crisis

The inherent tension between different scales of problems and solutions, and how to better live in harmony between the two

Something I run into a lot when having discussions online, is folks who are otherwise fighting for the same urbanist solutions are in violent disagreement. This can be seen clearly with the housing crisis in America, staying in place and fighting out the local politics vs. moving to greener pastures.

I think both are correct in their arguments, they are just arguing about different problems. Staying in place to fight speaks to solving larger political problems through collective action over time. Moving to greener pastures is about solving problems for individuals or small groups in the here and now.

Both actions do not diminish each other and different individuals will be able to do either or both depending on their background, resources, temperament, or other privileges.

For example there is one side that says that these are the political changes we need to make in order to allow housing for all in the United States and there's another that says we need to help people right now in this situations they're in so that they can find decent housing even if that requires them to move a long distance away from where they are.

Both of these groups end up talking past each other because they are trying to solve different problems. There is the political argument of solving the macro issue of a severe housing shortage in the United States. Then there is the specific problem of helping an individual or household navigate the challenges to build a solid foundation for a stable life and find a good home.

I believe both problems need to be solved in order for us to successfully get through the crisis we face around housing here in the US.

The first way of fighting for change is “Fixing the System,” and the second is “Surviving the System.” We are all in the fight for a better more humane society together, and must see those who pick either option as compatriots not opponents. Each of us are just taking the action that works best for the specifics of our circumstances.


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